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If you are anything like me than some point in your life you tired a subscription box of some sort. I have been a member of ipsy's subscription for over 2 years. I have dabbled into other's but lately I been loving bath products so why not try a bath product subscription box. I've tried two others in the past but that was a year ago before I started blogging. Now that it has become more popular in the bath community I tried to reach out at a promising looking one. Dat Spoon Polish and Bathery.
So I approached the owner to see if she had any left over boxes for me to review (which she did) and thus started a long engaging conversation on her company, her box and her partnering with Mama Roux Bath & Body (Which we will get into in a bit). I am happy to say not only did I find a new company to obsess over I found a new friend.
The theme of the box was SHOOP DA DUPE!(Cute name by the way) which simply means is a dupe for Lush products. The box is $20 plus shipping (which is the typical rate) and it includes:
- 2oz Body Frosting in Av-Oh! (Avo Bath Dupe).
- 2oz Emulsified Sugar Scrub in Comfort Me (Comfort Dupe)
- 0.5oz Solid Perfume in SoulFire (Lush Dupe)
- 3oz Sis Boom Aah! Milk Bath (American Cream Dupe)
- 5mL Mermaid Waters Nail Polish

One thing I want to mention about this box is that when I read the scents I was a bit worried as these aren't scents I usually pick. I am more of a fruity/bakery scented type girl instead of earthy/herb-y (at least to me) scented items. Well let me tell you my worries were unfounded. Every scent in this box I really like. Let's start with the lovely body frosting.
The scent is Avo Bath and I seen customers from different companies rave about avo bath but when you read the scent description I kind of get scared that it isn't for me. Well I was wrong it smells nice it is not a scent I would lather on but I would put a thin layer of.
The actually body frosting is a thick cream which is very pleasant. The spreads nice and evenly and absorbs super quickly. I did notice if you pat dry and are left with a bit of water/moisture it makes spreading the body frosting even easier.
This is one of my favorite formula when it comes to body butter/frosting/lotions/etc. It is thick, it is creamy, it is refreshing and it is quite fast absorbing. I can't ask for a better formula. I have tired body butters that are too thin or too greasy, or too something. The scent lingers on for a long time and it isn't overpowering at all.
Would I purchase this full size? Yes, I would in fact I could see myself purchasing this in multiple scents. I am super impressed with this formula. I can't express my new found love for it enough.

The next product in the box is the emulsified sugar scrub, the scent in came in is my favorite in the box Comfort. It smells really relaxing, my nose picks up vanilla and musk. I never tired the lush counterpart but I REALLY like this scent.
The actually scrub is a treat, it is a medium exfoliation that is so pampering I love it. Once you scrub and the sugar is melted the interesting thing happens you DON'T feel the oil until AFTER you rinse off. And then the most wonderful thing happens that I haven't tired in a scrub you don't feel a oily residue you feel a oil protective barrier. I hope I am making sense, I feel as if my body got the oils and formed a barrier around my body as it slowly absorbs into the skin.
After about 10 mins tops I felt my skin absorbed all of it and I was left with a nice scent on my skin for HOURS. The scent left on my skin was not overpowering at all and then next day when I used it and put the bath frosting on top of it you can imagine the scent combo. Spoiler Alert: It's smells divine. ;)
Would I purchase this full size? Oh yes I would, in fact just like the body frosting I plan on buying multiple scents. Maybe double up the same scents and create all day fragrance -insert evil laughter-.
Let me tell you something I rarely get compliments on ANYTHING I wear, and yesterday at the supermarket while I was handing someone cash they complimented on my perfume. Granted it was only one person and I only LIGHTLY put it in my wrist but it did wonders with my body chemistry. Solid perfumes are not something I dabble into on a regular basis in face I rarely purchase it on it's own. But this one in SoulFire smells good like a musky/spicy citrus gone bad type scent?
I rub some of this on my pressure points(wrists/neck/behind ears/behind knees) it absorbs quickly within 5 mins you forget you even put anything on then you are left with a nice perfume that last a good while. Just don't accidentally use it as lip balm (I did sadly) it is too much fragrance for lips.
Would I purchase this? Not sure most likely pick one up in a scent I like. I feel like these last forever and as I said before I don't dabble in perfume oils or solid perfumes but if there was a scent I TRULY loved yeah I would add it to my order instead of JUST ordering this.
Now on to the interesting part of this box the collab with Mama Roux (Stay tune for a full indie spot light coming soon). Apparently the owner of this company PJ Jackson have been friends with the maker of Mama Roux for many years, even was a tester for MANY of her products. So she decided in making this box she wanted to include at least one of lovely items in order to help her brand get a bit of recognition. Isn't that awesome? I love seeing makers help other makers. It makes me happy to be apart of such a lovely community.
Now her product was the Sis Boom Aah! Milk Bath in American Cream I don't have a tub at the moment and by that I mean I been lazy to clean it(we've all had those moments) so I been taking showers so instead I opted for pouring a tiny bit into a bowl or a mani milk bath. Let's just say this is making me wanna clean! It is so silky and smooth, my fingers where they were bathing in the water feel so soft. And they smell heavenly. This is my second favorite scent in the box, it smells creamy and vanilla-y and just oh so good.
I only used a teaspoon and since my hands were wet I couldn't use my ipod's camera (I don't own a smartphone -gasp- I know) but the water was very milky and creamy looking and felt like I said very silky. I never has a tub growing up so I never got to enjoy baths but now that I find out that this stuff feels amazing on the skin you can imagine I will start taking them.
Would I purchase this full size? Yup I would I would keep a stash of this again in different scents. I can't wait to see what other products this company makes.
The last item in this box I swear to you I haven't worn in like over a year (yes I know I hear the noises every nail polish user and blogger just made) nail polish. Two years a go I became obsessed with nail polish I went from having none to over 50 in less than a year.
The obsession was too real but as time went on I wore it less and less and I gradually started shifting my likes into bath products. It happens to us all, of course being a a fixed budget doesn't really help you can only afford one obsession at a time (well that's a lie I have a gaming hobby [pc,3DS,ps Vita] on the side by that is a completely different topic for another day).
The polish is this beautiful navy blue with this iridescent orange,yellow,green shifting flakes. It is so pretty and I feel so bad that my pitiful ipod 5th gen's camera doesn't do it justice. I"m just not a professional nail blogger (which by the way are EPIC with pictures and their super up close and personal shots props to them).
Anyways, I was able to get a nice opaque color with two coats of nail polish as you can see. The polish is lasting a couple days for me (I typically apply a fresh top cost every other day to keep it's freshness) and overall I was quite impressed.
Would I purchase this full size? Yup, I would collect her nail polish line casually when I can. Obviously body products first then if I have left over money I'd pick a color or two up.
There you have it that is my review of Dat Spoon's Shoop Da Dupe April box featuring Mama Roux, overall I am HIGHLY impressed with this company and I look forward to seeing their future boxes as well as their full size product line. I can see myself forming an obsession as this brand and stocking up every time they have a restock in the future. This is a company to look out for I am calling it! To order a box or stalk the company click here Until next time beauties!
Disclaimer: I was sent these products exchange of an honest unbiased review. The ipsy link as a referral point system. All opinions on my own. There is no incentive for myself if you use the link provided.For the full list of disclosure please click here.
Edited by myself if you notice any spelling or grammatical errors let me know.